Thornton Cleanup Sees Fog & Whales

Carl the Fog was also present and so it was a hunt for trash treasures in the gloomy and sometimes wet weather. The conditions, however, did not impede our activities nor the sighting of whales! There were blow holes a plenty and even reports of tail lobbing. Thank you to all who participated and looking forward to seeing you again soon! Don’t forget to also check out our native plant garden which is full of the yellow blooms or primroses at the moment. Please note: regular scheduled clean-ups at Thornton will continue in October after California Coastal Clean-up Day – for all of our sites – on September 21st.

What an incredible August cleanup at Thornton Vista! Despite the fog rolling in with drizzly and gloomy skies, our dedicated crew was undeterred. Together, we collected 124 cigarette butts, 22 pounds of recycling, and 41 pounds of trash! And as a special treat, we were joined by some majestic marine life, with sightings of whales, blowholes, and even tail lobbing.

A huge thank you to everyone who braved the elements to make this cleanup a success! We’re already looking forward to our next gathering and hope to see you there. In the meantime, be sure to visit our native plant garden, where the yellow blooms of primroses are putting on a spectacular show.

Please note: regular scheduled cleanups at Thornton will continue in October after California Coastal Clean-up Day (when all of our sites will be visited) on September 21st.

We appreciate everyone who supports Pacific Beach Coalition’s work and educational programs. Thank you for helping us to protect our beautiful ocean and coastline by donating money, time, or both! Your dollars will go towards our ongoing educational efforts (such as the Naturalists program) and our beach cleanups and habitat restoration efforts along the coastal trail. Thank you so much for any contribution: big or small!