Thank You to Our 2021 Sponsors

Every year we rely on donations from our members but also from our sponsors to keep our existing programs afloat and create new ones in order to keep everyone engaged physically or mentally. And this year specifically, the sponsors helped us put together our educational module made for teachers, parents doing home schooling but also everyone interested in learning more about the albatross. You can find this module here:
We would like to thank Recology of the Coast – our Blue Whale sponsor – who provided trash collection and disposal during our Earth Month cleanups. We also would like to highlight Pacific Manor Hardware – our Sea Star sponsor – who provided the location for the Earth Month dumpster from Recology by hosting it on their parking lot! We had multiple groups dumping their trash their and it was tremendously helpful.
And on a similar note, we would like to thank Pillar Point harbor for having a lot of dumpsters on the Coastal Trail in Half Moon Bay which our volunteers also used to get rid of their collected trash.
We also would like make a big shout out to our new donor Falletti Foods. They continually run a campaign where for every tote bag people bring into the store and use, they donate a certain amount to a chosen Cause. PBC was one of their causes! This is quite poignant since the check arrived on Earth Day! So thank you!
All of our online events, which became a big part of our educational program during the COVID months, could not have been done without the EarthCapades and their incredible help. We are very thankful for Hearty and his technical skills.
Finally we would like to thank our Shark sponsors, Taco Bell, the City of Pacifica and the County of San Mateo. Thank you as well do our Sea Lion sponsors Peninsula Clean Energy, the City of Half Moon Bay and the North Coast County Water District. And finally (but not least) some more of our Sea Star sponsors Safeway, O’Reilly Property Group, City of Daly City and Eccleston Incorporated.
If you would like to be a sponsor for 2022, please send us an email info [at]