Dunes Beach, Half Moon Bay

Beach cleanups cancelled due to COVID-19 regulations BUT you can still volunteer for our Street to Beach Cleanups program. Check it out!
About Dunes Beach:
Half Moon Bay State Beach is a single state park made up of four beaches: Francis Beach, Venice Beach, Dunes Beach, and Roosevelt Beach. It’s a favorite spot for sunbathing, picnics, surfing, fishing, and camping.
North of Venice Beach is Dunes Beach, reachable from Highway 1 via Young Avenue. Like Venice Beach, parking here is usually easier to come by and crowds are less likely. A number of short, sandy trails lead from the parking lot to the beach below.

About the Site Captain: Shell Cleave
Shell is a surfer, SUPer, scuba diver, and life-long trash picker upper. She has a vision to create a community of Sea Huggers – people who realize that along with the great blessings we receive from the ocean and natural world comes great responsibility to preserve and protect it. Shell is an impassioned lover and defender of the marine ecosystem, and sustainable lifestyle advocate. She is available for speaking engagements.
This cleanup is in partnership with Sea Hugger, another non-profit organization dedicated to preserving our “mama” ocean and reducing our plastic footprint.

About the Cleanup:
Time: Second Saturday of the month from 10am-Noon. Check our online monthly calendar for exact dates. Rain may cancel cleanup. If you’ve registered in advance, you’ll receive a cancellation notice. If you have not registered, check our calendar for the latest information.
Where to meet: At end of the parking lot. Look for the tent.
Parking: Dunes beach is a state park so there is a fee to park.
Cleanup Areas: Beach, trail and parking lot.
Supplies: Volunteers are encouraged to bring their own buckets and reusable gloves. Extra gloves and buckets will be provided while supplies last. Because we are never sure of the weather, make sure to bring extra layers, a hat, sunblock, water and snacks.
Litter: Expect picking up cigarette butts, food wrappers, cans and bottles. There will also be micro plastic and styrofoam along the tide line. If you have a shovel or some type of scoping tool, you can help us grab these little plastic nurdles and place them in the trommel!
Restrooms: Yes by the parking lot.

Special Regulations:
Dogs: Not permitted on the beach only on leash on the trails.
Be sure to read through the Cleanup Guidelines before heading out.
More questions? Read our Beach Cleanup FAQs.
Would You Like to Join Us? To make sure we bring the right amount of supplies, to be more efficient and conserve paper, please complete our online form. It will only take you a few seconds. Sign up here!