Earth Day 2025 & PelicanFest

Earth Day banner

The Pacific Beach Coalition is thrilled to announce our Earth Day of Action and PelicanFest on April 26, 2025.

We’ll host multiple cleanup and habitat restoration events along the coast and around the Bay Area from 9am-11am. PelicanFest will kick off at 10:30am at Linda Mar State Beach.

Two ways to make a difference during Earth Day of Action on April 26:

  1. Sign up for a volunteer opportunity. View the schedule and register online for an event near you. Please submit a signed waiver for each participating volunteer in your household. This helps us bring the right amount of supplies to each location. Due to the large volume of volunteers at many of our locations, please bring gloves, buckets, and optional trash grabbers/pickup sticks.
  2. Join a community of likeminded people at PelicanFest. This family-friendly event features guest speakers, activities for all ages, live music, beach trash art, info booths, and so much more.

We can’t wait to see you there!

Litter CleanupMeeting LocationOnline Registration
Meeting Location: Top of the path/stairs on Esplanade Ave
next to OceanAire Apartments
Sign up online here
Baywinds Park, Foster CityMeeting Location: Meet at the parking lot at the end of Lakeside DriveSign up online here
Linda Mar State Beach,
Meeting Location: Southern end of the main parking lot
(just north of Taco Bell)
Sign up online here
Montara State Beach,
Meeting Location: Off Hwy 1 in the north lot of what was
previously known as La Costanera Restaurant
Sign up online here
Mussel Rock Beach,
Daly City
Meeting Location: Mussel Rock carpark located at the lower
coastal end of Westline Drive
Sign up online here
Pillar Point Harbor,
Half Moon Bay
Meeting Location: 1 Johnson Pier, near the Harbor Master office
Sign up online here
Roberts Road, PacificaMeeting Location: At the top of Roberts Rd, overlooking Linda Mar State BeachSign up online here
Rockaway Beach,
Meeting Location: SW corner of the North Beach parking lot,
near the back corner of the Lighthouse hotel
Sign up online here
Meeting Location: The left hand side of the Manor Safeway entranceSign up online here
San Pedro Creek,
Meeting Location: End of San Pedro Terrace Rd by the trail head;
751 San Pedro Terrace Rd, Pacifica
Sign up online here
Sharp Park Beach,
Meeting Location: Corner of Beach Blvd and Clarendon
at the start of the Levee
Sign up online here
Thornton Vista, Daly CityMeeting Location: Look for our site captains’ table after the roundabout on Thornton Beach Rd where the walkway startsSign up online here
Street to Beach CleanupsDone by yourself or with family and/or peers whenever is convenient for you. It can be around your neighborhood, at the beach, in a needy area, or anywhere you’d like.

Report your beach cleanups efforts with the Clean Swell app!
Sign up online here
Habitat RestorationMeeting LocationOnline Registration
Linda Mar,
Meeting Location: East side of Highway 1 in the Community Center parking lot off Crespi DriveSign up online here
Calera Creek,
Vallemar, Pacifica
Meeting Location: Reina Del Mar Avenue near Hiawatha Avenue (north side of creek)Sign up online here

When your volunteer opportunity is finished, join us at PelicanFest, an Earth Day celebration at Linda Mar State Beach in Pacifica with special guests and speakers, from 10:30AM to 1:30PM.

Other ways to take action during Earth Month.

  • Host your own Street to Beach cleanup and pick up litter from an area in need. Remember: Mother Earth isn’t your trashcan or ashtray.
  • Plant native CA plants such as the Silver Lupines, which are essential to the survival of the Mission Blue Butterfly (PBC Earth Honoree 2022)
  • Remove invasive weeds.
  • Use alternatives to pesticides such as neem oil.
  • Compost your green waste and use it to build a healthy and biologically diverse soil.
  • Reduce waste by buying less, reusing items, and recycling materials.
  • Turn off lights and electronics when they’re not in use.
  • Reduce your carbon footprint by walking, biking, carpooling, or taking public transit.
  • Purchase and enjoy locally grown produce.
  • Make a tax-deductible donation to the Pacific Beach Coalition so we can continue to protect and restore the coast.

Enjoy this year’s Earth Day poster featuring artwork by Half Moon Bay Artist Caren Loebel-Fried.

“One of my favorite things about creating native species art is learning all about the species and the places where they find food and live. I also love birds, and one of my favorites is the pelican.” – Caren Loebel-Fried

PBC Earth Day 2025 poster

Waves of gratitude for this year’s sponsors.

Collage of sponsor logos