Sunflowers for the Bees – Pre-K1

Students will have an opportunity to learn about sunflowers and plant sunflower
seeds, a native plant of the North American prairie.
This activity will last 40 minutes; plus daily watering and observation.
Students will be able to:
– Identify sunflowers, sunflower seeds, some foods made from sunflowers, and other uses of the plant,
– Demonstrate the basic steps in planting a seed.
1. Purchased sunflower seeds from local hardware store, garden store, or enough for 2 to 3 seeds for each student. Package labels should indicate whether or not seeds are pretreated with a fungicide or pesticide. Use untreated seeds only! Sunflower seeds used for bird food may be used, if fresh.
2. Plastic or paper cups as seed pots with drainage holes punched in bottoms plus waterproof tray on which to set them.
3. Small amount of real soil is preferable; otherwise purchased potting soil.
4. Windowsill to place seed pots, or a bright lamp.
5. Spray bottles with water.
6. Representative food products (oil, snacks, etc.) from grocery store. (optional)
Click HERE to get the full activity.