Street To Beach Cleanups – March Results

Thank you to all of you for picking up litter from your streets, parks and beaches!
We found two ways for our volunteers to track and record the trash they collect:
- The Blue Bucket: This Google Form asks a few questions about the location, the number of volunteers and some high level details about the trash that was collected
- The Clean Swell app: This phone application gives us way more details about the trash collected and it also records the number of miles covered
Both solutions track results that are very valuable to us as we use the data and communicate the results to politicians, journalists and people like you!
If you would like to participate, the Clean Swell app would be our measurement tool of choice and here is simple tutorial that will get you started.
The Street to Beach Cleanups program is opened to anyone who would like join. You don’t need to commit a lot of hours if you have a busy schedule and you can pick up trash from wherever you are. Here are some guidelines to start taking actions!