Search Results for: earth day

Smoke-free Beaches & Pier

Keeping Butts Off Our Beaches – Northern California’s First Smoke-Free Beaches & Pier [City of Pacifica Ordinance Effective Oct 2006] Why It Matters: In 2005-2006, building on the momentum from the huge wave of Southern California coastal cities restricting smoking on beaches, Pacific Beach Coalition member Susan Danielson-Senning led a successful smoke-free beaches campaign, making Pacifica the first community in Northern […]

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Fireworks on Our Beaches

Fireworks on Our Beaches  [Restrictions Effective Jul 2013] Why It Matters: Our age-old patriotic tradition of exploding packages of toxic chemicals in the air is not without its environmental drawbacks. Fireworks debris pollutes our ocean, and can adversely impact water quality, air quality, and wildlife through debris and toxic contaminant pollution. Our Earth Heroes have collaborated with civic groups and […]

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Alfonso Raises Over $2K Running for PBC

Alfonso, one of our newest Earth Heroes, ran the 2015 Kaiser Permanente San Francisco Half Marathon on Saturday, February 1st. This amazing 23-year old decided to raise funds for the Pacific Beach Coalition to support more learning experiences through our programs and events.  He setup a Go Fund Me account to collect more than $2,050 which will go the Pacific Beach Coalition to continue to provide stewardship opportunities […]

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Join the Teens Team: Whale Force

The Pacific Beach Coalition welcomes youth and student volunteers of all ages. Learn how to become leaders, earn credit, and complete service hours while giving back to the community and learning more about protecting and preserving our Earth. Members of the Whale Force Can: Thank you for this opportunity this past year and a half. I really enjoyed my time […]

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Linda Mar State Beach, Pacifica

Volunteer and join our Linda Mar Beach cleanups in Pacifica! About Linda Mar State Beach:Also known as Pacifica State Beach, Linda Mar is a wide crescent-shaped beach favored as a local surfing spot, and one of the most loved and used beach in Pacifica by residents and visitors alike.  Located adjacent to Highway 1, it  features a coastal trail stretching along the beachfront to enjoy from one […]

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Adopt Your Beach!

Sign Up for Our Adopt-A-Beach Program The Pacific Beach Coalition, in partnership with the California Coastal Commission, coordinates the Adopt-A-Beach program at six sites along the San Mateo County coast. As one of our most popular field programs, it is a great way for individuals, organizations, businesses, schools, or community groups to “take action” and engage in hands-on experiential learning […]

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Tsunami Debris Cleanups

An estimated 1.5 million tons of Japanese tsunami marine debris generated by the 9.0-magnitude earthquake in March 2011 will continue to travel the Pacific Ocean on currents and land on the shores of the Northern Californian coastline. Debris is expected to arrive on Pacifica and Daly City beaches. (Source: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration). Following success in leading the 2013 Japanese Tsunami Marine […]

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