Annual Contributors
Our Annual Contributors
Recology of the Coast, City of Pacifica, San Mateo County, Taco Bell, North Coast County Water District, Safeway, Peninsula Clean Energy, City of Daly City, City of Half Moon Bay, Ace Hardware, Eccleston Incorporated, Adventure Out, Pillar Point Harbor, NCL, Pedro Point Surf Club, California Coastal Commission, EarthCapades, Jackie Speier, Josh Becker, Kevin Mullin, David Canepa, Pedro Point Brewing, Pacifica Libraries, Exploratorium, Cal Academy of Sciences, Manor Music, Hani Hair Salon, Rosalind Bakery, Puerto 27, High Tides Cafe & Crepery, Colombo’s Delicatessen, Surf Camp Pacifica, Soul Grind, Modern Salon, Saltwater Bakery, Travelor Surf Club, Sonlight Surf Shop, NorCal Surf Shop, Newleaf HMB, Sonesta Hotels, and Caren Loebel-Fried

Recology of the Coast, City of Pacifica, San Mateo County, Taco Bell, North Coast County Water District, Safeway, Peninsula Clean Energy, City of Daly City, City of Half Moon Bay, O’Reilly Property Group, Mazetti Bakery, Eccleston Inc., Ace Hardware, Adventure Out, Pillar Point Harbor, NCL, Pedro Point Surf Club, California Coastal Commission, EarthCapades, Jackie Speier, Josh Becker, Kevin Mullin, David Canepa and Caren Loebel-Fried

Recology of the Coast, City of Pacifica, San Mateo County, Taco Bell, North Coast County Water District, Safeway, Peninsula Clean Energy, City of Daly City, City of Half Moon Bay, O’Reilly Property Group, Eccleston Inc., Ace Hardware, Adventure Out, Pillar Point Harbor, NCL, Pedro Point Surf Club, California Coastal Commission, EarthCapades, Falletti, Powerline Productions, Jackie Speier, Josh Becker, Kevin Mullin, David Canepa and Caren Loebel-Fried

Recology of the Coast, City of Pacifica, San Mateo County, Taco Bell, Pedro Point Surf Club, North Coast County Water District, Safeway, Peninsula Clean Energy, City of Daly City, City of Half Moon Bay, O’Reilly Property Group, Eccleston Inc., Mazzetti’s Bakery and Ace Hardware, American Cetacean Society – SF Bay Chapter, Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Outreach, Bike Corral, Doogie Comfort Station, Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, Greater Farallones Association, Marine Science Institute, North Coast County Water District, Ocean Shore School, Plastic Corral, Pacific Coast TV, Pacifica 4-H, Pacifica Gardens, Pacifica Land Trust, Pacifica Ocean, Discovery Center, Pacifica Parks, Beaches and Recreation, Pacifica Police Dept, Pacifica Public Works Stormwater/ Wastewater, Pacifica Resource Center & Pacifica Prevention Partnership, Pacifica School Volunteers, Pacifica Shorebird Alliance (a project of PEF), Pacifica Volunteers Think Bridge, Pacifica’s Environmental Family (PEF), Peninsula Clean Energy, Oikonos Ecosystem Knowledge – seabirds on Año Nuevo Island, Recology of the Coast, San Mateo County – Green streets, San Mateo County Libraries, San Mateo County Office of Sustainability, San Mateo County Parks Foundation, San Pedro Creek Watershed Coalition, Sanchez Art Center, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Norcal Chapter, Starbucks, Surfrider – SMC Chapter, Terra Nova Band Boosters, The HEAL Project, The Marine Mammal Center, UC Santa Cruz KELP Tea

Adventure Cat Sailing Tours, Adventure Out, Aquarium of the Bay, Bay City Bike Tours, Bomb Waves, Bubba Gump Shrimps Co, Cal Academy of Sciences, Coastside Comics, Craftsman Coffee, Electric Tour Segway San Francisco, Enterprise Rental Car, Family Room Acupuncture, FLY Massage, Frank Quirarte, Gearhead Bike Shop, Grape in the Fog, Grocery Outlet, Hard Rock Cafe San Francisco, Hornblower Cruise, Kettlebell Fitness Studio, La Playa Restaurant, Modern Salon, NorCal Surf Shop, Pacifica Beach Boot Camp, Pedro Point Brewery, Pedro Point Surf Club, Pillar Point San Mateo County Harbor, Seaview Tire Brake Center, Sierra Club, Sir Francis Drake Hotel, Sirens Pacifica, Spangler’s Market, Spindrift School of Performing Arts, Sonlight Surf Shop, Sue Pemperton, The Marine Mammal Center, Traveler Surf Shop, Triple J Farmers, Visions Seaside Spa.

Advance Property Appraisers, Adventure Out, Barbara D’Alessandro, Bomb Waves, Boudin SF Restaurant, Bubba Gump Shrimp Co, Cal Academy of Sciences, City of Pacifica, Chris Inglis, Coastside Comics, ContrastDesgin, County of San Mateo, Cox Auto, Criteo, Craftsman Coffee, Crystal Springs Uplands School, Deborah Nagle-Burks, Eileen O’Reilly, Enterprise, Facebook, Field Fisher, First National Bank, Fnb Norcal, Fran Quartini, Gail Whitaker,
Gearhead Bike Shop, Genentech, Gilead, Golden Gate Park Segway, Google, Holly Sutter, Hornblower, IBL Kids, Intuit, Jaime Finnegan, Jane Solano, Jennifer Ball, Kathleen Courtney, La Playa Restaurant, Linda Jonas, Liquid Robotics, Macrogenics, Madame Tussauds, Malcolm Katz, Mark Harmon, Mazetti’s Bakery, Michelina Gauthier, MOMA, Myrna Folds, Nancy Petty, NCCWD, NetApp, New Leaf, Nicks, Norma Macleod, North Coast County Water District, Pedro Point Brewery, Pedro Point Surf Club, Peninsula Clean Energy, PG&E, Pillar Point San Mateo County Harbor, Recology of the Coast, Ricki McGlashen, Safeway, Salesforce, Samantha Urbancic, San Francisco Dungeon, Science Exchange, Seaview Tire Brake Center, Silicon Valley Community Foundation, Sonlight Surfshop, Starbucks, Sue Pemperton, SWCA, Symantec, Teri Roberts, The Marine Mammal Center, ThermoFisher, The Fingerpuppets, The Montoya Family Fund, Toni Boykin, Traverler Surfshop, Triple J Farmers, UserTesting, Visions Seaside Spa.

Adventure Out, Aquarium of the Bay, Best Western Lighthouse Hotel, California Academy of Sciences, City of Pacifica, City Sightseeing San Francisco, County of San Mateo, Dig It Organic, Eversight, Fnb Norcal, Genentech, Google, Hard Rock Cafe San Francisco, Healing Intentions, Hop Dogma Brewery, Mazetti’s Bakery, Mavsurfer, NorCal Surf Shop, Nest Labs, New Leaf, North Coast County Water District, Pacifica’s Environmental Family, Pacifica Tribune, Pedro Point Brewery, Pedro Point Surf Club, Pillar Point San Mateo County Harbor, Rakuten, Recology of the Coast, SF Electric Tour Company, Sir Francis Drake Hotel San Francisco, Sonlight Surfshop, Thermo Fisher, Traveler Surfshop, Wise Surf Shop.

AOL. Adventure Out, California Coastal Commission, City of Pacifica, Cliff Hodges, Colleen Durkin, County of San Mateo, Genentech, Google, Mazetti’s Bakery, North Coast County Water District, Pacifica Tribune, Pedro Point Surf Club, Pillar Point San Mateo County Harbor, Recology of the Coast.

Earth Day Sponsors 2016
AOL. Adventure Out, Alfonso Gonzalez, Ashley Larsen, Baxter Fund, Beverly Becker, Bill & Sandy Brangan, Bob & Arlene Fife, Cathleen Josaitis, Celine Gerakin, Schwab, Chris Griffith, Chris Porter, City of Pacifica, Cliff Hodges, Colleen Durkin, County of San Mateo, Craig Gerek, Cytokinetics, David Whitehead, Debbie Kane, Delia McGrath, Dimitry Chichkov, Elaine Bushkov, Ellen McDougald, Equinix, Evelyn Spire, Fran Quartini, Frank Ruggiero Ruggiero, Genentech, George & Barbara Maloney, Gitte Marshall, Google, Greg Wood, Helen Nicely, Jan McCullock, Jennifer Ball, Jennifer Coyle, Jim Fithian, Karen Cochran, Karen Thomsen, Kathy Johnson, Ken Mooney, L. Finney, Levi Strauss, Linda Hoff, Linda Peebles, Lisa Chin, Lynn Adams, Manuel & Dorothy Borba, Marisa George, Mary Duffy, Marty Cerles, Mary Duffy, Mazetti’s Bakery, Meredith & Tom Teisseyre, North Coast County Water District, Notre Dame De Namur, Pacifica Daily Reflections Group, Pacifica Garden Club, Pacifica Tribune, Patty Deering, Paula Teixiera, Pauline Taini, Petra Schumann, PGE, Pillar Point San Mateo County Harbor, Portola Shores, Rachel Strom, Recology of the Coast, Russ Hartman, Samantha Dorn, San Mateo County, Sandy & Bill Brangan, Sandy Mills, Shotsy Faust, Thermo Fisher, Tom Teisseyre, Tom Whitaker, Vicki Barr, Victoria Delucchi, Wendy Stokes, Wendy Tukloff.

Earth Day Sponsors 2015
Anna Cunningham, Bay Area Cox Conserves Heroes/Cox Foundation (Earth Day of Action & EcoFest), Bette Thomas, California Coastal Commission, Cathleen Josaitis, Chicken of the Sea’s Great American Gratitude Award, Chris Griffith, Christy Duncan Anderson, David Gilson, Genentech Give Back, Helen Nicely, Janet Hathaway, Joanne Wynne, Julie Walters, Karen Cochran, Karen Ervin & Family, Keep America Beautiful-Cigarette Litter Prevention Program, Linda Peebles, Lou Shapiro, Marie Romano, Martha Stewart, Mary Mikulin, Mazzetti’s Bakery, Pacifica Daily Reflections Group, Pacifica Garden Club, Pacifica Patch, Pacifica Riptide, Pacifica Tribune, Pauline Taini, Pillar Point San Mateo County Harbor, Susan Senning/ProjectBlueprint, Recology of the Coast, Tami Tomasello, Terry Rogers, Waukesha County Community Foundation (H&D Fund).

Earth Day Sponsors 2014
Note: Contributors listed in alphabetical order.
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