Park Mall Cleanup & Cigarette Butts
Park Mall is getting quite trashed again, especially around the perimeter of the property. This is important because the entire property drains into San Pedro Creek at a very delicate habitat area. I went by today and did a bit of leaning, but will need to go back for one or two days to finish up. There are several large furniture items (sofas, chairs, cabinets). which someone will need to remove by truck. Apparently public works will not pick up there because it is private property. I removed 26 pounds of litter, 297 cigarette butts and 3 pounds of recycling. Stay tuned.
Finally finished. Took about 5 hours over 3 days to clean the Park Mall perimeter.
pounds: 58
recycle: 7
Straws 11 Bottle caps 12
If this area is on the Earth Day agenda, you will need a truck – and not a small one- because of the abandoned furniture.