Mussel Rock Cleanup Celebrates its Founding Anniversary Every February!
We had a lot to celebrate today: So many faithful Mussel Rockstars, (a growing group of 15), who come out in rain or shine to beautify this area. I used funds from recycling to give out some fun gifts my husband found that were not made of plastic. Imagine!
Some 5 years ago, it was just me! Now, there were approximately 55 volunteers, several families, dogs, and a student with over 25 hours of cleaning up Pacifica’s beaches and our area in Daly City! We have a naturalist resident in the Mussel Rock area, called Julie; we have an intern called Jackie.
Volunteers collected 160 lb trash, 1000 cigarette butts, 10 lb glass bottles, 1 lb cans, 1 lb plastic bottles, a discarded, but new, Android cell phone, and some interesting heavy items. This included a hand mower, an electric hedge trimmer, and a torn-off front bumper from an SUV.
I want to say a special thanks and welcome to our new intern, Jackie, who helped get everyone signed in and dug up a boat load of baby thistles.
Thanks to everyone for coming out to clean up on a cold day in Daly City.
Special thanks to Joe, Chris, Julie and Jackie for setting up and helping weigh trash and sort recycling. Without you, it would be a much more difficult job for me, and I would not be able to thank everyone in person, to hand out book marks and badges, and to complete student evaluation forms.