Students! Get Your Volunteer Hours

If you are a student who needs volunteer hours, the Steet-to-Beach program is a great way to help out! Follow these simple steps so that we can verify your hours:
1. Sign The Online Waiver
To make sure that everyone is covered, please have a parent/guardian sign the online waiver for you, just like you do during our monthly cleanups. It only takes a few seconds!
2. Get The Clean Swell App
Use this app to track the amount of trash that you found and placed in your bucket. This app can also tell us how much time you spent cleaning up and what area you covered.
Once you are done creating your profile, make sure to add Pacific Beach Coalition as your group.
This app is available for Android and iPhones.

3. Take a Picture
Don’t forget to take a picture of you with the trash that you found. You can do it in the middle of your cleanup or at the end. And if you share it on Social Media, feel free to tag us on Facebook and/or Instagram @pacificbeachcoalition
4. Send Us Your Report
In order for us to verify your hours, send us an email with the following information:
- Your first and last name
- Date of cleanup
- Cleanup location
- Number of hours
- A picture of you and your trash you collected
- Forward us the email that Clean Swell sends you when you are done with a cleanup
Examples of reports:
Name: Oceana Blue
Date: 05/30/2022
Location: Montara state beach
Hours: 1:15

5. Get Your Hours Verified
When we get your email (containing all the information listed above), we will reply to you saying that your hours have been verified.
As this program is very popular (which is amazing!) please allow 1 week turnaround but our volunteer will try to get back to you as fast as possible. Thank you for your understanding.
*Please note: If you are at a PBC cleanup or restoration event, please bring your paperwork and ask the site captain there to sign your form in person.
Remember to Follow the Cleanup Guidelines
- Wear reusable gloves
- Avoid touching your face
- When done, wash your hands or use hand sanitizer
- Sanitize your gloves
- Do not pick up sharp objects unless you can do so safely
- Wear close-toed shoes to protect your feet from sharp objects
- Do not touch homeless encampments
- Stay away from highways and watch out for cars in any area
- Keep a safe distance from all beach wildlife!
We can’t wait to verify your hours and see how much trash you picked up.
Have fun!