Earth Month Challenge 2020 Results

Thank you all so very very much for participating by taking the pledge and doing your Green Acts. We had well over 110 responses! A lot of you pledged to “Use less single use plastic” and we are so happy to see that it is as important to you as it is to us.
In addition, a total of 250 volunteers participated in individual cleanups, removing 770 pounds of trash and 14,370 cigarette butts from the beaches and streets.
Some of you also came up with some new Green Acts that we wanted to share with the rest of you.
Green Acts Results

Green Acts Suggested by the Community
- Volunteer at the community gardens to grow healthy foods for the community
- Stay vegan
- Talk to businesses and their employees near me regarding cigarette butts
- Read and educate myself about climate change and what I can do about it
- Limit my impact on the environment as a whole!
- Advocate for sustainability with my city council and try to publish in local Pacifica paper
- Blog about our new Net Zero energy home
- Compost as much as possible
- Donate to PPRA petition drive
- Filter micro plastics out of washer and dryer laundry discharge
- Fix things for others
- Use crayons and colored pencils (no plastic pens) for 1 day
- Un-bury all the trash in my backyard
- Persuade my family to help turtles
- Pick up the trash at the park
Earth Heroes in Action in Their Neighborhoods
So many of you have been cleaning up around your home and this is so fantastic! Thank you all for sharing your actions with us and the community. All these pictures warm our heart every time, and it is well needed. Keep up the good work.You can share your pictures on our Facebook Group or by email.