Our Yearly Teacher Toolkit is Here: The Whales

“Shake Your Tail – Save a Whale.” We’ve compiled a toolkit packed full of worksheets, lesson plans & more!
Read more“Shake Your Tail – Save a Whale.” We’ve compiled a toolkit packed full of worksheets, lesson plans & more!
Read moreIf you are a student who needs volunteer hours, the Steet-to-Beach program is a great way to help out! Follow these simple steps so that we can verify your hours: 1. Sign The Online Waiver To make sure that everyone is covered, please have a parent/guardian sign the online waiver for you, just like you do during our monthly cleanups. […]
Read moreThese lessons and activities have been created by teachers for teachers. Access our 2023 Nudibranch module!
Read moreNudibranch of the Month – If you’re looking for a unique and colorful sea creature, look no further than the opalescent nudibranch.
Read moreTidepools are an incredible habitat to explore, but we must visit the with kindness and caution.
Read moreLearn more about the nudibranch, our 2023 Earth Honoree, while completing this Nudibranch Word Search. Easy to print activity that can be done at school or at home.
Read moreA scavenger hunt is a fun game especially at the beach, for adults and kids. We have prepared a list of specific items (check list printable below), for you to seek and have a great time while doing it.
Read moreThese marine shell-less mollusks are called, nudibranchs, pronounced, “nu-di-brank” (the “h” is silent). Their common name is Sea Slugs! Did You Know? Predators to the Nudibranch Physical Description Where Do Nudibranchs Live?
Read moreThese lessons and activities have been created by teachers for teachers and people who want to learn.
Read moreActivities for kids that you can bring to your classroom and home. This will keep their brain busy!
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