Category Archives: Rockaway Beach Blog

Rockaway Beach April Cleanup

           Ralph and Sandy helping out The beautigul days just keep coming when it comes to Rockaway Beach cleanups.  Not a great turnout, but a group of hard core volunteers swept the beach clean.  Thanks to Ralph, Sandy and Ginny and of course Nikki and Beezer who sniffed out every possible piece of trash. Totals:  Weight […]

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Rockaway Cleanup with an International Flavor!

This month’s Rockaway cleanup slid in nicely between two major storms and took on a distinctly international flavor!  Jim, Ana and Lynn hosted great returning volunteers and a group of 12 people from truly around the world.  Global Ties is an organization through the US State Department that hosts trips to the US for global non-profits and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).  We […]

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