Beach Cleanups Canceled this Weekend

As you are no doubt aware, the continuing extreme weather is causing a lot of problems. The situation on the coast is very unsettled, subject to change, and potentially very dangerous. With healthy respect for both the power of nature and all the emergency, utility and first responder crews who must be out, we are canceling our beach cleanups this weekend at Montara, Sharp Park and Foster City locations.
The roads and coast are battered. Trees are down, streets and homes are flooded, infrastructure damaged. Sanitation systems are overrun. Mudslides and flash flooding are causing road closures. The coastal bluffs are saturated and potentially very unstable. We encourage you to stay home, stay dry and stay safe.
ps: Our cleanup emails already sent out automatically include a reminder on Friday, so please ignore it (just this once!) Sorry about that.
But you can still make a difference…
Use Our Street to Beach Cleanups Program
Take Care of the Ocean from Your Street and Local Neighborhood!Instead of coming to the beach, we encourage you to pick up litter around your neighborhood, and make it count for our data! A “street to beach” is a cleanup done by yourself — or with family and/or friends — whenever and wherever is convenient for you. It can be around your neighborhood, in a needy area, or anywhere, actually. You could even “adopt” a specific location in need and care for it on a regular basis. Neighborhood and street cleanups are fun and rewarding and benefit everyone. Picking up litter from the streets prevents it from flowing into the ocean via our storm drains.
You can find out all the details here, including how to log your trash and getting community service hours verified, as well as a step-by-step process to get up and going!
Thank you for your understanding. We encourage you to stay home, stay dry and stay safe.