Author Archives: Celine

Rockaway Beach April Cleanup

           Ralph and Sandy helping out The beautigul days just keep coming when it comes to Rockaway Beach cleanups.  Not a great turnout, but a group of hard core volunteers swept the beach clean.  Thanks to Ralph, Sandy and Ginny and of course Nikki and Beezer who sniffed out every possible piece of trash. Totals:  Weight […]

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Free Shredding, Recycling & Composting Giveaways

Free Composting Giveaway on April 25th Recycling Yard: 1046 Palmetto Ave, Pacifica Time: 8:00am – 12:00pm (or until supply is gone) Each resident may bring 2 – 30gal cans to collect compost. Only cans will be filled, no boxes or bags. Be prepared to show proof of Pacifica residency…IDs will be checked —- Free Shredding Event on July 25th Recycling […]

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RecycleWorks Volunteer Academy Courses

The County of San Mateo RecycleWorks Program is offering free courses as part of the RecycleWorks Volunteer Academy for residents, employees and business owners in San Mateo County. These courses provide participants with knowledge about conserving resources and a unique opportunity to promote environmental awareness in San Mateo County through volunteering time back to the program. How to sign-up for the […]

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Learn The Importance of the Bees

This is a two class periods long activity for 6-8 graders.   OBJECTIVE: Students will understand the following: 1. Bees use the pollen from flowers as food. 2. When they land on flowers to collect pollen, they spread pollen from one flower to another. 3. Many plants cannot grow unless they are cross-pollinated by insects such as bees. 4. Because […]

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Sunflowers for the Bees – Pre-K1

A well-known sunflower characteristic is that the flowering heads track the sun’s movement, a phenomenon known as heliotropism. Most new varieties have heads that droop down to face the ground as the plants mature. This helps reduce damage from birds and from diseases that could occur if water collected in the sunflower heads.   OVERVIEW: Students will have an opportunity […]

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Moths Are Pollinators Too

BACKGROUND: Successful pollination depends on pollinators finding the right flowers at the right time. Pollinators locate appropriate flowers by visual and chemical cues. Since the structure of the mouthparts of pollinators differ greatly as do flower structures, the pollinator also has to locate the right type of flower. OBJECTIVE: In this activity, students will become hawkmoths and attempt to collect […]

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Let’s Have Pollination Parties! K-5

OBJECTIVES: Students will understand: 1. The pollination process and show examples of bee pollination on specific plants, 2. The interdependence between insects, plants, and humans, 3. That insects can have a negative impact on their ecosystem.   MATERIALS: – Access to a library or reference books on bees, butterflies, and pollination – Copies of Pollination Parties worksheet => Click HERE […]

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