Author Archives: Celine

Links to Activities and Worksheets for Grades 4-up

Stream to sea activities – Intermediate The purpose of this activity is to create awareness about why harbour porpoise are considered a species of Special Concern in British Columbia. The lesson plan combines porpoise natural history with the effects of human activities, both positive and negative. Click here to print PDF. —– A bunch of quick dolphin lessons, activities, and […]

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Lessons, Activities and Printables for Grades K-3

KidZone from WDCS: Learn about the amazing world of whales and dolphins with interactive animations and activities. Click here. —– From Scholastic: Explore the world of dolphins with science and vocabulary lessons. Students will learn about dolphin biology and marine life through these quick language arts activities. Click here. —– From SeeWinter and Clearwater Marine Aquarium. Lesson plans are available […]

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CONTEST: Paint A Bucket. End Tobacco Litter – Closed

Paint a Bucket to End Cigarette Litter Calling all artists and everyone who wants to help end tobacco litter! We are having a community contest to draw attention to the many 10-gallon buckets we are putting outside businesses to collect cigarette butts, by colorfully painting them with an ocean theme. Fish, whales, dolphins, otters, turtles, birds, crabs… all are affected by […]

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Earth Day & EcoFest 2019 Press Release

SF BAY AREA’S LARGEST EARTH DAY CLEANUP AND CELEBRATION: April 2019 – Pacifica, CA – On April 27th, the Pacific Beach Coalition (PBC), in partnership with the City of Pacifica and its residents, will be hosting its 15th Annual Earth Day Celebration, the largest Earth Day cleanup in the entire Bay Area. From 9:00am to 11:00am, with the help of […]

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BIG Winds, BIG Haul!

Rain? Oh we can handle rain. But WIND! Whew! As steady 30 mph winds almost blew us all over, once again our returning earth heroes at Linda Mar Beach returned on Saturday, Feb 18! Thank you once again to Danny Yanow and his Westborough Middle School Wind Warriors, close to 50 energetic souls, Aragon, Oceana, Terra Nova and East Bay […]

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