Author Archives: Celine

Tips for a Green 4th of July

It’s that time of year again, time for fun in honor of our nation’s independence. Let’s be good Americans and take care of this beautiful land and ocean we have been so blessed to share. After all, with freedom comes responsibility. Here are a few quick tips for greening your July 4th. Can the fireworks Fireworks are a long standing […]

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Earth Day 2017 – Trash Results are Here!

We finally have all the results in: 6807 Volunteers removed 3783.5 lbs of trash!   Thank you all for making Pacific Beach Coalition’s Earth Day 2017 the best ever! City-wide, and Coastside cleanups, tree planting, weeding, a new garden at the Quarry! Amazing work all. And then there was the EcoFest, booths, speakers, hands on activities and the Paint a […]

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Past Event: A Plastic Ocean Movie Night

A Movie Night to Celebrate World Oceans Day Free Event at the Sharp Park Library     Come celebrate the Ocean with us! Part 1: Movie During this night on June 9th we are proud to present a Pacific Beach Coalition’s Earth Day 2016 Award winning video by PCT. & A Plastic Ocean Documentary film -an epic global adventure following […]

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EcoFest 2017 – Thank Yous

ECOFEST 2017 – What a wonderful event! On the behalf of all the PBC members, we would like to thank: – The booths for your participation and for delivering such great kid activities – Greg from Pedro Point Surf Club for entertaining us all through the EcoFest – FingerPuppets for your amazing performance and all the finger puppets you gave […]

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Thank You Earth Heroes!

We would like to thank all the Earth Heroes who joined us on April 22nd to cleanup the coast from Fort Funston to San Gregorio and we hope you all had fun at the EcoFest! We are currently gathering the litter data from the different site captains and group leaders. We will soon get back to you with the numbers […]

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Dolphins and Porpoises Fun Facts

Pacific dolphins swim in formation with other dolphins and sea lions, sometimes leaping from the water in spirited somersaults. Source.   The Risso’s dolphin lacks teeth in the upper jaw and has no more than seven pairs of conical teeth in the lower jaw. Source. Risso’s dolphins have prominent dorsal fins, sometimes prompting observers at a distance to think they’re […]

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