943 Volunteers for Coastal Cleanup Day 2024

For California Coastal Cleanup Day this year, the PBC hosted cleanups at 13 distinct locations across the Bay Area and habitat restoration at two different sites. Hundreds of new and returning volunteers of all ages joined the effort with amazing results. The numbers you see below do not include the dozens of individuals who observed CCCD by picking up litter on their own and tracking their results with the Clean Swell app.

The PBC is proud to provide opportunities for people to be involved in this annual hands-on campaign to clean our shorelines and communities, and to provide data for the Ocean Concervancy!

2024 Coastal Cleanup Day Results

This year’s Coastal Cleanup Day was an incredible success, with 943 passionate volunteers coming together to protect our coastlines. Together, we collected 3,273 pounds of trash, 289 pounds of recycling, and an astounding 7,955 pounds of green waste. Among the most shocking finds were 14,455 cigarette butts, each a harmful pollutant to our oceans and marine life. Coastal Cleanup Day is a powerful reminder of the impact we can make when we come together, keeping our beaches cleaner and safer for the future of our oceans. Every piece of waste removed means a healthier ocean for all.

Some pictures from our events:

From our Pillar Point location:

This was an important day for keeping the trash out of the sea and our 89 volunteers did not disappoint! Everyone seemed to know exactly what to do, grabbed their buckets, pickup sticks and gloves and set out to clean the whole Pillar Point area and beaches. We had a number of groups join us and some familiar faces…people who are becoming regulars each month to clean up. Love seeing that!  It ran like a well oiled machine (well, no REAL oil, thank goodness) and we did have one person come back with a really stinky slab of meat (fish?) that pretty much stunk up the whole place for a while! It was all we could talk about..or smell! 

Thanks to Tyler and Julio at the Harbor Station for providing the trash bin and taking care of our recyclables.

Along with Nathan (who is an old pro by now) and Dylan (new from last month), Liam joined for the first time! It was amazing watching these Jr. Site Captains (including Maggie) jump right in and handle the crowds expertly! They also were able to get our numerous stuck buckets unstuck. Thanks!!!

  • 89 volunteers
  • 104 lbs of trash
  • 40 lbs of recyclables
  • 798 coastaly cleaned up cig butts

From our Foster City location:

Thank you to Boy Scouts Troop 321, San Mateo and Hillsdale High Schools, various schools, and individuals who helped clean-up the Baywinds Park Foster City and surrounding area on Saturday, August 21, 2024 (California Coastal Cleanup Day).  We really appreciated your time and effort you give to Pacific Beach Coalition.  It’s because of your efforts we can fulfill our mission and serve our communities. Thanks again for a job well done!

  • 189 volunteers
  • 1,929 lbs of trash
  • 52 lbs of recyclables
  • 3,772 cigarette filters
  • Items of Interest: Broken Porta Potty, 6 tires, 4 surfboards, fish hooks, and a toilet!

And the Party Was So Much Fun!

After a morning of hard work, PBC volunteers gathered at Linda Mar Beach to listen to music and relax in the sun. It was the perfect way to wrap up a successful morning of stewardship.

Support our coastlines by joining the Coastal Guardians Club with your donation today! Be part of a community that cares deeply about protecting our oceans. Whether you soar, swim, or dive in, there’s a place for you in the Coastal Guardians Club—make a difference and contribute to the cause!