28 Pounds of Waste Collected by Nueva School

The Nueva School community came together in February for an impactful cleanup event on the beach. The purpose of this beach cleanup was not only to educate participants on the importance of sustainability but also to take action and make a difference in the environment. And what a difference these students made!

With hard work and enthusiastic spirit, the participants cleaned the beach of microplastics and other waste, and the results were astonishing – 28 pounds of waste and almost 700 cigarette butts were collected!

Cleanups like this one serve as a reminder of the positive impact we can have when we come together and take action. Nueva School students, teachers, and guardians should be proud of their achievements and feel empowered to continue to use their voices and actions to make a difference going forward.

The world needs more people who are willing to work towards a better future, now more than ever. So, let’s take inspiration from the Nueva School community and use our actions and voices to make a positive impact on the environment. Let’s continue the work and make a difference – one step at a time.