826 Cigarette Butts, 48 Volunteers and 13 Kayakers

WOW what an incredible Saturday we had last weekend! We are so grateful for the turn out and for the kayakers who cleaned up the water and the jetties, they removed 8 lbs of trash and tone of fishing lines. The tide and the birds made it a little hard to remove all the trash, so… we will do it again next month!
On the Pillar Point and Surfer’s beach side, our 48 volunteers removed 35 lbs of trash from Surfer’s beach and 53 lbs from Pillar Point and a total of 26 lbs of recycling.
The worse part, is the 826 cigarette butts that we found on the ground and all the 37 plastic straws!
One of the highlights, was having Genievive, our naturalist educating all the volunteers including the people walking and biking by. She showed them the different type of kelp, educated them about why the kelp is in danger and how they can help. Everyone loved it!

We also would like to give Bridget the prize for the cutest bucket ever and some of our volunteers found some pretty cool stuff, like a snake skin…
Huge thank yous to our site captains, Laurel for welcoming the kayakers, Julie and Morgan for helping me at Pillar Point and Surfer’s beach in Half Moon Bay.
We hope you will be able to join our next month beach cleanup on August 31st and if you want to rent a kayak, this is where you do it