56 Volunteers at Rockaway Beach
56 Volunteers came out to Rockaway on this beautiful sunny day to help clean up. The surf was pounding, so no one went on the beach, but it didn’t stop them from picking up 32 pounds of trash, 12 pounds of recycling (to include a formerly wall-mounted Flat Screen TV), and a whopping 1575 butts.
Our newest juniors, Arjun and Calypso, were a great help in getting this group checked in. A big shout out to the Skyline Chapter of the National Charity League (NCL), who was our biggest group. Arjun and Calypso and Vilka took a lot of great photos – I only got two, of some of the weirder things that came back, to include a hubcap and some kind of fire wire (that was nicely wound up and tied before it became litter). I counted 7 tennis/doggy balls and collected a toy “Army” car and a Super Soaker that was somehow filled with sand, but made a popular photo prop.