5 Classroom Activities from NOAA for 6 to 12 Grades

The classroom activity package Winged Ambassadors – Ocean Literacy through the Eyes of Albatross is available free online courtesy of NOAA, Oikonos, and other partners. Albatrosses, charismatic and threatened seabirds, are ambassadors for a clean ocean because they traverse vast oceanic regions searching for floating food. Along their journeys, they ingest plastic trash and feed it to their chicks. These five lessons comprise new and modified activities, using inquiry-based science instruction, aligned to new standards for grades 6 – 8 with extensions for grades 9 – 12.
Here is the link to the 5 lessons that all include presentation lessons, exercises and presentation notes. They are all very well made and ready to be used by any teachers or parents with home schooled children: http://www.downloadwingedambassadors.org/
Unique features:
- Students will use real data from research tracking albatross migrations and ocean plastic pollution.
- Students will be inspired by paintings and photographs from scientist and artist Sophie Webb.
- Students will investigate albatross diets using detailed images of dissected boluses by National Geographic photographer David Liittschwager.