221 lbs of Trash & 2 Tires
The low tide uncovered a lot of trash!

What a great day!
We could not have hoped for a better day to start the year at Pillar Point, HMB. We had a slightly overcast but warm weather combined with a perfectly timed low tide which gave us ideal conditions to pick up a lot of trash stuck between the south jetty’s rocks.
42 Volunteers and 221 Pounds of Trash
42 Earth Heroes came to pick up 221 lbs of trash and 64 lbs of recycle. We had volunteers coming from all over the Bay, from Sunnyvale to Berkeley and Hayward!
264 Cigarette Butts Counted
In 2 hours we collected 264 cigarette butts that were discarded along the coastal trail and the beach. These cigarette butts are going to be recycled thanks to Terracycle. We also counted:
– 29 bottle caps
– 17 straws
– 2 tires
– 1 broken crab pot
– ~20 feet of rope
– 15 lbs funnel blanket
– 1 underwear
– 1 old and ripped apart dinghy
– 1 toilet bowl
– 1 brush
We even had a total of $15 donated today!
Finally, Valerie and Ryan who have been Site Captains at Pillar Point are now going to lead the Montara Beach Cleanups on the 2nd Saturday of the month. Thank you both of you for being such wonderful and dedicated active PBC members!