117 Volunteers For Harbor Beach 6 Years Anniversary

We had a pretty incredible beach cleanup last Saturday despite the wind and a chilly breeze.
117 volunteers came to the coast to help remove marine litter from the beaches, jetty and shoreline.
Julie, our naturalist, educated everyone about fishing line and the dangers of marine litter. Within 2 hours our volunteers picked up over 232 lbs of trash and 46 lbs of recycle. They found rusty crab pots, pipes, fishing lines, a sandy blanket, a tarp, pieces of wood… But the most disgusting of all: 1330 cigarette filters!
Thank you to our site captains: Julie, Celine, Nicole and our newest additions: Steve, Addison and David for making this cleanup a very smooth event.
We are so grateful for our volunteers, our site captains, our supports and donors for keeping our Harbor Beach cleanup afloat. Thanks to you all, we were able to celebrate our 6 year anniversary!
Next Harbor beach and Surfer’s beach cleanup: March 28th